Decisions, Decisions...

I’ve recently realised that the university experience is not all it's made out to be. I feel the whole experience has been sugar coated to a whole new level. This post is on a bit of a down note (sorry!) but after experiencing so much disappointment and being so surprised by the reality of university life I wish someone had told me what things would be like before I came so I could've at least been a bit more prepared or even really thought more about my choices, options available to me and the possibility of taking a gap year.

I’ve had a really hard week coming to terms with whether I made the right choice of university. I find here in London with nearly all universities not being campus based there isn’t much of a student community or feel to the area and personally it’s made me feel really lonely and hard to fit into different social circles and make friends as the halls of residence here are all so split up and far apart. 
It really is amazing living in London, having everything on your doorstep and in just 20-30 minutes I can be in central hopping off the tube at Oxford Circus. You can never really get bored in London unless you’ve got no-one here to spend time with…

In these first couple of months at uni I’ve felt really alone and wondering if this is the place I want to be for the next 3 years. It’s been harder than I thought settling in here. Who you end up in with halls is really luck of the draw. I imagined having a really bubbly flat with people I thought would be like family, like they say some of the best people you meet will be at university and you’ll make friends for life, but it really does take a long time to make friendships like that. 

Like I said though there is so much to see and do within London and so many opportunities across the city both work and educational and  even lifestyle! but sometimes you have to think about where you’ll feel more comfortable and more at home. London’s a big city and without my family and girls from home it has been really hard. At nearly all universities here there isn’t a big student community or friendly feel which I think makes the uni experience a good one!

I’ve also been surprised by how many international students, mature students and students who commute are on my course and at my university. A lot of people here have taken a gap year and have a lot of experience before starting their degree and it worries me that I should’ve taken the time out of education and made the most of a year out by having a gap year to get experience, travel and spend time with my family. But I know a degree is what I want to do and I know this is the right course, just perhaps not the right place… So for this reason I don’t want to hold myself back now and I plan on powering through this year! I mean after all teaching at uni ends at the very start of April and I’m sure these next 4 1/2 months will fly by before I know it!

I just really strongly advise all second year students at college filling out their UCAS applications now to really think hard about their post college choices, look into every possible option and when attending open days don’t just spend the day at the university, go round the town, find out what the nightlife is like, what is there to do in the day and most importantly think whether you can see yourself living there for the next 3/4 years of your life! but whatever you do don’t think going to university straight from college is the only option you have! I realise now there really is no rush to leave home! After you’ve taken a year out you’ll find yourself so much more grown up and ready to take the next step in life… 

I think for myself a change in university is needed, and I hope that I make the right decision this time round by transferring to somewhere with more of a student community feel out of London where I hope to be a lot more settled and happier! 
I’m sure I won’t be leaving London for long, however this now means I’ve got a very short deadline with completing my London list of things I need to do! So wish me luck, I’ll keep you posted on where my adventures take me! 
Izzie x


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