University Year Two.

I am now well into the first term of my 2nd year of University and I am still feeling motivated and ready to take on the year! …Despite the cold weather creeping in and tempting me to that extra half an hour snuggled under the covers in the morning!

Last year I very much struggled to settle into University life and came up with a list of things I neeeeded to do in my three years here in London to occupy my time and to make the most of living the city life and now 2nd year has come around so fast I will definitely be reflecting back on my progress with that list very soon…

But first I wanted to talk more about what 2nd year brings ahead. I’m very lucky to be living with 3 of my best friends I made in the 1st year in one of the loveliest houses only a 25 minute walk away from the University and I couldn’t be more settled and happy, which is a complete turn around from this time last year when I was suffering from homesickness on a whole other level!

With this years assignments and exams counting for 25% of my overall degree classification I am determined to expand on my writing skills, read more journals and work my socks off to get my assignments done early and to a top notch standard! Now I’m settled into Uni life a bit more I even feel my academic dreams of keeping on top of reading are within reach!!

After much consideration I’ve also decided a placement year isn’t for me and so I will be embarking on the hunt for a super summer internship to gain further experience in the events industry. I know placement years offer the opportunity to gain a huge amount of experience but I worry too much about the break from education. The thought of having to come back to Harvard referencing a WHOLE YEAR later is just too daunting for me. Coming back to writing and lectures after summer break has been more of shock that I thought, I have to admit!

Alongside my hunt for an internship I am determined to get volunteering at different events, attend more events, blog more and get cracking again on my list of things I neeeed to do in London! There are a couple of extras that may need to be added on… including a lunchtime visit to Forest LDN on the roof of Selfridges! (My latest find on social media!)

London really is full of so many opportunities and experiences and I am so excited to see what this next academic year holds and what different things I’ll be getting up to! I have to say I am definitely pleased I’m still here in Greenwich. This time last year I was fretting over whether a change in University was the right decision for me but it’s always worth sticking things out a little longer and not giving up as soon as the going gets tough! Apologies for having to use such a cliché saying… but I have to say in my case it’s proved to be very true. My second term of university in 1st year was 10x more enjoyable and ended with an amazing summer ball put on by the Students Union in collaboration with Events Company - Original Sin.
I’m also pretty proud to say I made it to the end of my 1st year of University and passed with such a good grade outcome too… 1st class honours in all four of my courses! Now I can only pray I can carry this on through these last two years.

For any first years reading this post and are struggling to settle into University life I strongly advise you to get out exploring in your university town or city, get chatting to anyone and everyone on your course and never worry about visiting home too much! Its 100% normal to feel homesick even after day 1!

Anyhow, Good Luck and thanks for reading!

Izzie x


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