Staging our own Event at University!

Event Production in Practice... A little update into what we've achieved so far!
So we're now well into term 2 of second year and I'm finding it hard to believe I'm already halfway through my degree! I posted a couple of months back about one of the courses I'm undertaking in my second year of uni: Event Production in Practice. It's simply all about planning and staging our own event all to raise money for a charity of our choice.
At the start of the year our lecturer very un-necessarily scared us into thinking this course was going to be a nightmare and how it's likely we'll never speak to the group we're working with again but so far we've only proved her wrong. I couldn't be working with a more brilliant bunch of girls!
The event we're staging is a Live Music Night in support of the charity CoppaFeel! our University Boob Team has been helping us to liaise with the charity and we've got some fabulous friends who are amazing acoustic musicians and singers who are volunteering their time to perform for us for an evening. 
We've secured our venue: London Velo, Deptford, where one of our lovely group members Irina works and the manager/owner has been ever so helpful in letting us use the space and market the venue and basically do whatever we want! We're also currently in the process of securing lots of goodie bag treats for our attendees to add value to our event. Yazoo Milkshakes and Popchips are two big brand names who have been amazing in providing support for us with boxes of free samples and we're super excited to hand these out to our guests! My mum has also been an amazing support and has donated raffle prizes from her Jewellers she owns and the gift bags we so desperately needed. Alongside all these treats our goodie bags will be filled with the most important thing of all: CoppaFeel! information. Our event is not only about raising money for the charity but increasing awareness of the charity and the issue that is breast cancer.
Everything seems to be coming together quite well at the moment but a little part of me does worry this could be the calm before the storm... 
With only a month to go now till our event the pressure is on to get everything organised and ready in time. Three of the biggest tasks we've got left to complete is compiling our event pack and then designing the event space and working out the logistics of the evening...
But I'm sure we'll get there, no problem!
I'll be sure to give you an update post event on how everything was executed and how things went!
But in the meantime if you're a University of Greenwich student reading this post, do come along to our event on the 3rd March 2016! Tickets are available at Resident Advisor and only cost £5, simply search 'MicCheck'!
Thanks for reading!
Izzie x


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