Life as a Disney Intern...

It's my third year living up in London and now it really does feel like home. I'm 3 months into my internship at Disney and I am loving every minute of it! I really don't believe there is any job quite like mine. 

See me here with Mickey - I don't think you've seen anyone so happy to be back at work after 5 days off! He's a total regular in the office and I love seeing him when he pops in. You should see the queues of staff desperate for a picture whenever he's about. Now thats some serious fame right there. Just last week he came in with the wife sporting the Wildcats cheer and basketball sports kits celebrating the 10 year HSM anniversary. Typically I was out of the office for the day and completely missed seeing them and all the celebrations!

Moving on from the Mickey excitement, in the short space of three months I have been involved in such a wide range of events and my placement is already proving how no day is ever the same in this industry. I also don't recall having one week yet where I've remained fully based in the office. I am fortunate enough to be taken out on regular site visits, attend trade shows and really get stuck in setting up for events off site and then being there on the day to see them unfold. Already I'm highly recommending taking a placement year out, it's been the best decision I've ever made!
To ensure I come away remembering everything I've got up to during this year out from University I've started to compile an Events Portfolio logging my responsibilities and challenges faced with each event and then what I have learnt from this.

The first event I was involved in at Disney back in July was the very big Autumn/Winter 2017 Showcase. This is a biannual event that showcases to retailers and licensees Disney's plans for the next 18 months so they can then plan their business activity and build on their partnerships. Over 600 people attend this event and it was held offsite at a venue in Kings Cross; Kings Place. I was thrown in at the deep end here with a full day of rehearsals on the Monday before a 6am-8pm event the following day. 

We had live performances going on from The Lodge - the latest programme to launch on the Disney Channel and presenters from across our different departments. It was a great day to be involved in and was a great opportunity to get to know my colleagues more. 
During my first few weeks at Disney I was reporting in to the Head of Events and during this event I got to shadow her for these two days. She really was (and still is) an inspiration. She is on point with everything she does and pays so much attention to detail - which, rest assured, I know goes an incredibly long way in the Events Industry. And even more so in the Disney world, where the little touches add to the Disney magic everyone loves.

Since the Kings Place Showcase Event I have been involved in two Finding Dory Screenings for Bloggers and VIP Guests, a Frozen Garden Party (which I really feel needs a whole blog post devoted to itself), PR Christmas in September Press Product Showcase, a Moana Screening and Product Showcase, the 2016 Consumer Electronics Showcase, Star Wars and Marvel Immersion Sessions and the Licensing Awards Entertainment. I really have been busy! In addition to all this the latest events on the horizon are no other than an Adult Softlines (Fashion) Showcase and THE TOY STORY X VANS COLLABORATION LAUNCH EVENT. Can you tell I'm just a little bit excited?!
Planning for this started only a few weeks ago involving a site visit to the House of Vans (Incredible!) and talks with Character Events... Needless to say I think this too may deserve it's own blog post!

It's a busy little job being the Disney Events Intern but safe to say a day is never dull here! Be sure to keep checking back for more posts on these events in a lot more detail!

Thanks for reading! 
Izzie x


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