CALL FOR PARTICIPANTS - "Towards a Typology of Event Venues: The Application of Thematic Criteria for Classification"
I am currently in my final year at the University of Greenwich seeking participants for my Dissertation study on Events Venues and developing typologies based on varying classification criteria for events outlined in a journal by Hassanien and Dale (2011).
I am trying to make the most of all my social channels to help my search for participants who work within a venue and would be able to answer questions based on:
I am currently in my final year at the University of Greenwich seeking participants for my Dissertation study on Events Venues and developing typologies based on varying classification criteria for events outlined in a journal by Hassanien and Dale (2011).
I am trying to make the most of all my social channels to help my search for participants who work within a venue and would be able to answer questions based on:
- The strategic business operations of their venue
- The specifics of the venue marketplace
- The physical structure and facilities of the venue
- The service provision within the venue
- The nature of the activities held within the venue
If you work within an events venue and think you could answer questions based on the factors above, I would greatly appreciate your time and efforts in completing my dissertation survey.
It is a self competition form which only takes 10 minutes to complete. The link to the survey can be found here:
Research findings from my dissertation will used in future publication at an academic conference at the end of June 2018. For this reason my survey is open until the 30th April 2018 to continue the data collection with an aim of gaining the highest number of responses possible. However my dissertation deadline is fast approaching and I still need more responses before the 1st April 2018 in order to complete my own data analysis and conclusions in time!
For a further insight into my study, please read on...
The objective of this study is to develop a classification or typology of events venues for use by academics and industry professionals by applying Hassanien and Dale's (2011) proposed framework of classification criteria for events venues' to the design of the following survey.
The motivation for this research stems from a difficulty in understanding the diversity of event venues because there is no single universally accepted classification of event venues. Most of these classifications are intuitively rather than empirically based.
This research seeks to build upon the work carried out by the UK Conference & Meetings Survey (UKCAMS) which monitors and measures important characteristics of the UK conference and meeting market from a venue perspective.
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I thank you in advance for your time taken to read my desperate plea and for those who have been able to participate in my study!
If you wish to read more or for ways to contact myself or my disseration supervisor about the research, please see the short article I have posted on my LinkedIn.
Feel free to send me an invitation to connect too!
If you wish to read the journal article that inspired my dissertation please find the reference below:
Hassanien, A. & Dale, C. (2011) 'Toward a typology of events venues', International Journal of Event and Festival Management, Vol.2, pp.106-116.
Thank you for reading,
Izzie x
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